1. LEFT$:
LEFT$ is a string function that allows us to extract the
specific number of characters beginning from the left-most character of the
2. RIGHT$:
RIGHT$ is a string function that allows us to extract the
specific number o characters beginning from the right-most character of the
3. MID$:
MID$ function returns a specific number of characters from
a string.
4. LEN:
LEN function returns the number of characters in a string
or the number of bytes required by a variable.
5. LCASE$:
LCASE$ function converts all the uppercase characters in
6. UCASE$:
UCASE$ function converts string to uppercase.
7. ASC:
ASC function converts a character or a string variable to
its corresponding ASC II code. Only the first character of a
string is evaluated by ASC function.
8. CHR$:
CHR$ function retrieves the single character represented
by the ASC II number.
9. STR$:
STR$ function converts a string expression to its string
10. VAL:
VAL function converts a string expression consisting of
digits into numeric value.
11. LTRIM$:
LTRIM$ function removes leading blanks from the left side
of the spring
12. RTRIM$:
RTRI$ function removes trailing blanks from the right side
of the string expression .
13. STRING$:
STRING$ function is used with a PRINT statement to display
a particular character a specific number of times.
14. INSTR:
INSTR function returns the position of the first
occurrence of a string in another string.
15. DATE$:
DATE$ function returns the current system date of the
computer and allow to set the current system date.
16. TIME$:
TIME$ function returns the current system time of computer
and allows to set the current time.
17. INKEY$:
INKEY$ function checks the keyboard looking for a
pressed key.
18. INPUT$:
INPUT$ function halts execution until a specified number
of characters are read from the keyboard or a disk file.
19. ABS:
ABS function is used to obtain the absolute value of a
numeric expression.
20. COS:
COS function computes the cosign of an angle.
21. TAN:
TAN function is used to obtain the tangent of x.
22. SIN:
SIN function is used to obtain the sine o an angle.
23. INT:
INT function is used to round the number to the integer
24. CINT:
CINT function returns the nearest to the given number.
25. SGN:
SGN function returns the sign of a number.
26. SQR:
SQR function returns the square root of a number.
27. TAB:
TAB function moves the text cursor to the specified print
28. SPC:
The SPC function skips a number of spaces when used with
the PRINT and the LPRINT statement.
29. SPACE$:
The SPACE$ function is used to print a specific number of
blank spaces.
The LOCATE statement controls the cursor, placing it on
the specific row and column on the screen.
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