Sunday, June 27, 2021

Blue Screen of Death (BSoD)


BSoD is one of the most common issues experienced by 9/10 windows 10 users. I personally have experienced it; BSoD won't damage hardware but it can ruin our day. As it has ruined me once. That day, I was busy working on my Lenovo laptop (previously Windows 8 was installed) suddenly everything stopped saying "Your PC ran into a problem needs to restart after collecting error info" in blue screen and computer rebooted. However, doing some research I came to know that the main reason behind this problem was updating win 8 to win10; as my hardware couldn't bear the pressure of software installed.

 What is BSoD?

Ø  A critical error from which it can’t recover

Ø  An error, blue screen displayed on Windows computers

Ø  System crash - Windows operating system can no longer operate safely

Ø  Too much pressure OS is handling (need some rest)

Root cause for Blue Screen of Death:

Ø  Newly installed hardware or software (May not be compatible to existing Hardware or Software)

Ø  Memory utilization more than 75% (not healthy) and CPU (below 75% recommended to be healthy running System)

Ø  Windows Updates (If this is causing BSoD, then uninstall recent updates)

Ø  Inadequate air circulation => fan might stop cooling => check the temperature

Ø  Viruses/Malware => Scan system => could corrupt the system files and/or the drivers

If you have experienced any causes of BSoD other than mentioned above, I would like to see in comment box below. Please share your thoughts.



10 most common issues on Windows 10

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